HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Dictionary Vocabulary Tips

Words with root word -cide

  1. Pesticide - A substance used to kill pests, such as insects or weeds (कीटनाशक)
  2. Insecticide - A chemical used specifically to kill insects (कीटकनाशक)
  3. Deicide - The killing of a god or deity (देवता की हत्या)
  4. Herbicide - A substance used to kill unwanted plants or weeds (खरपतवार नाशक)
  5. Bactericide - A substance that kills bacteria (जीवाणुनाशक)
  6. Fungicide - A chemical that kills fungi (कवकनाशक)
  7. Vermicide - A substance that kills worms (कृमिनाशक)
  8. Ecocide - The destruction of the natural environment, especially through human activity (पर्यावरण विनाश)
  9. Felicide - The killing of a cat (बिल्ली की हत्या)
  10. Canicide - The killing of a dog (कुत्ते की हत्या)
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