HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

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1) Coordination (noun)
the organization of different things or people so that they work together तालमेल
C- कोˌऑडिˈनेश्‌न्‌ /kəʊˌɔː.dɪˈneɪ.ʃən/
W - कॉऑर्डिनेशन

2) Espousal (noun)
an act of adopting or supporting a cause, belief, or way of life समर्थन
C- एस्पाउज़ल /esˈpaʊ.zəl/
W - इसपौसाल

3) Concoction (noun)
something put together from several different things मिश्रण
C- कन्॑कॉक्‌श्‌न्‌ /kənˈkɒk.ʃən/
W - कोनकक्शन

4) Waffle (verb)
to talk or write for much longer than necessary without saying anything important or interesting गप लड़ाना
C- ˈवॉफ़्‌ल्‌ /ˈwɒf.əl/
W - वाफ्ले

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